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Thursday, November 12, 2009

10 Months Until Haul Out

Val and I've been thinking a lot about all the things that have to be done to the boat to get it ready. The trip always seemed so far away with plenty of time to get ready, but with the entry of November it clearly isn't.

One such "in your face moment" came last week when we realized that if we do end up leaving next December (2010), then the boat will have to be hauled out of the lake and trucked to the ocean in the month of September. This puts us 10 months away from the boat being shipped! That isn't long at all.

Each month we have a major task that must get done for us to be ready. For example, this month we must take care of removing the Air Conditioner, then in December the swapping to the NaturesHead toilet, and January will see the new batteries installed. There is so much to do! Wow. Time is ticking.

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