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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Too Aggressive On Money Savings

At the start of the year, I shared that we were being very aggressive on our spending levels in 2010, and that I was worried we were pushing it too far. It is turning out that we have indeed found the boundary of what we can live off of comfortably. By comfortably, I mean without altering our lifestyle any further. Any more adjustments at this time would result in us being unhappy, something I won't allow to happen.

So, 2010 won't see us reducing our spend any further than we did in 2009. Does that mean we can't go? Heck no! It just means that our sailing kitty funding won't fill at a faster rate due to reduced spending. We wanted to pull in our possible sailing date even further, but that won't happen from a money savings perspective. There are other ways, however ..... ;)

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